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Participant Quotes

Our Self-Healing Retreat for Cancer Patients and their Families has been well attended and we have received lots of great feedback. Below are some of the comments from past participants.

Selected Quotes from Spring 2017

I.H. from D.C.

The best things I liked about the retreat is having more than one “tools” to use, or having a choice about what to use…. 

If I told you that you can change your life just by walking and breathing, would you try it?

I want you to know that this retreat is different from the usual retreats. How? There is a lack of arrogance, but a wealth of openness, sincerity and genuine concern for each person.  Kevin, you are special, and I will work to honor the blessings I have been given through you…


M.C. from MD:

This program has changed my life completely.  This is my second time, & its good to move to the next level and reconnect to my inner self.  I am happier because I practice mindfulness & stress reduction, I have changed my eating habits as well.


K.S. from NY:

I really liked the smooth integration of the two Qigong forms, nutrition and relationship work with other presenters. Dr. Chen is excellent as a leader and teacher.

I feel prepared after this retreat to be able to practice on my own… 

(The retreat is) transformational and giving hope… a method to continue my recovery with commitment and focus on Qigong.


V.D. from MD:

(I like) the spiritual connection to self-healing, a real pleasant surprising, and the blend of Guolin Qigong with Taichi 5-element Qigong.

If you are scared and confused about how to deal with a diagnosis of cancer, this would be the program to help you with a stress-free recovery.

My heartfelt thanks to Dr. Chen for bringing this ancient wisdom to us.

The retreat was extremely informative.  Building the strength and power of the meditation was very helpful in dealing with the cancer.  Retreat is invaluable to understand and develop your own self-healing capabilities both as a caregiver as well as a patient.  I thought the immersion in the classes as well as camaraderie with other participants was valuable too.


V. W. from KY:

Best retreat of my life!


W.W. from KY:

It gave me the information needed to get more involved in my own healing.

This program is highly recommended for anyone with major health issues as well as their caregivers.


C.H. from MD:

This week has been a welcomed blessing for me to have attended this retreat.  I am amazed by and appreciate the courage, resilience, and giving nature that each of you, in your own way, has exhibited towards my healthy well-being!

Your stories have been so empowering for me, where in I have found both hope and a deeper faith in the self-healing practices, exercises, tools, resources, and the many nuggets of information that Kevin has provided.


M.D.S. from MD:

What I liked about the retreat: 1) getting conceptual context for where to place Qigong in history, in medical treatment, and in exercise.  2) Being introduced to two systems of qigong and actually seeing in practice how they can complement each other.  Surprised by the documented results of qigong practice by cancer patients.

Our Qigong master is a PHD scholar and a fine person who clearly is motivated by the idea of traditional healing practices helping others.


D.S. from MD:

Very positive and loving experience.  Will have positive affect on my cancer outcome! Love the qigong movements and meditations.

I felt very touched by this very gifted teacher – patient and thoughtful with participants.  Thank you for all your time teaching and thoughtfulness.


SLB from MD:

The retreat is one that is worth repeating, so much to learn.  The bonds/caring that forms is so special. More tools for helping people determine on happiness with cure or death from cancer.


N.P. from MD:

(I like) the openness of the group to sharing and support each other;  and many techniques presented are helpful. 

When most people hear the word cancer, they go to a negative place of pain and suffering, this week was full of love, energy and growing. I have never laughed so much….


S.T. from OH:

I have been doing qigong for 23 years, study with different qigong teachers – it has been such a privilege. However, this retreat presented some empirical evidence and rational reason for doing qigong.  Appreciate information on telomeres as I can use it in my own work. Improved and better understanding of Guolin Qigong.

People who attend are such loving people and you will feel at home in no time. 

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! An extraordinarily helpful, loving, accepting, peaceful, joy-filled experience.


C.B. from WI:

I like the hands-on learning – the actual doing the work.  The group was very important to me. I was completely surprised by the cohesiveness and community in most of the group.

The mindfulness practice and qigong exercise seem like something concrete, recreational, educational, and substantial that I can do to have an active role in my own healing, also thus have fun.


M.F. from MD:

Life enhancing, energizing, move you forward wherever you are in life.

Thank you, CIM, for doing this!


T.B. from MI:

The preparation was thorough, thoughtful and insightful; the location as refreshing, clean & aesthetic; Harbor & water was an unexpected and enriching aspect.

Genuine, friendly teacher providing space & instruction to address internal & emotional contributors to the condition.

How could we make this retreat available to people in my city?


R. C.B. from MD:

Like the topic on relationship and emotional disturbance – practice tips on how to address these issues;

This retreat is life-changing! It provided some practical tools for how to deal/cope with the mot challenging physical & emotional issues.

Informative, ground-breaking, life-changing!

I am so grateful for Dr. Chen’s wisdom, expertise, kindness, impartiality. I could go on for hours. This retreat has truly been a life-changing blessings!


Selected Quotes from 2015-2016

A participant from Texas:

The healing Qigong workshop surpassed my expectations by a long shot.  The instructors are impeccable and what they are teaching is so important.  I highly recommend this workshop to anyone of interest.  I came home with a renewed vigor, confidence, feeling of normalcy and hope that I had wanted.  All of my family members want to take this course!

I loved this workshop!  This is the kind of support I have been wanting & I feel it met a need both that I can articulate and not articulate.  Just wish it was a longer workshop, as I feel it would be helpful for me to have this support for 2 weeks, or one month….


S.C. from VA: 

What an absolutely amazing week this was!  I can honestly say I was engaged every second of every minute (and for me that is say a lot, thanks to chemobrain). I’m a little sad the class had come to an end, but happy (thrilled) about what I have learned and I look forward to my practice….

I am on a quest for Total Health after stage III cancer diagnosis, and I felt like I needed something more than what I was doing --- This is it!


J.N. from PA:

This program is exactly what I needed when I needed it.  I have seen a therapist for over one year who has been gently trying to get me to use breath and meditation. The week-long intensive training with you has me finally understanding what she wanted me to do and how it will benefit me.


SLB (an MD) from Maryland:

Enjoyed the physical practice of Qigong and standing meditation.  What surprised me was the link between mindfulness and breath + body and how essential state of mind is to energy.   I also enjoyed learning about science of qigong, learning Chinese terms; enjoyed teacher Kevin -- Phenomena! Passionate! True very best!  Opened my mind, my body, & my spirit!

If I had this course 2 years ago, I would have taken less treatment and relied more on this practice.


R.C. (a Qigong Tai-chi teacher) from Florida:

Your presentation of Guolin qigong astounded me.  You know this material and all the associated TCM ideas through and through.  That I loved.  I am a product of rudimentary TCM and would love to pursue that more as I can.  Your strict daily guidance for practice and reinforcement of ideas was what I needed.

I have taught meditation for many years and practiced meditation for years.  I have never had the results that I have been having with the 1/2 hour standing meditation and one hour sitting mediation.

I now have a new focus, helping cancer patients understand & live well with their illness.


K.D. (83 years old) from Maryland:

I gained so much from participating in your QiGong Retreat for people who have faced cancer.  Being able to spend seven days in a row learning from you showed me that the more I use QiGong, the stronger I get.  

I did not realize how much stress I was putting on myself, just by multi-tasking.  Now I am consciously slowing down and putting space between things.  It's amazing what a difference it makes!  Simple things like counting breaths, and my favorite tool, meditation, are all very effective.


M.F. (a Qigong teacher) from Maryland:

Amazing use of time to learn how to identify stress & what to do about it.

Kevin is an amazing teacher… a bright, caring, knowledgeable, and patient man.  And his being humble, only add to his sense of character.  He’s a great role model for us.
